Thursday, May 3, 2012

Letter to God

Letter to God

         Wish I had the magic wand or what if God granted me three wishes right now...I would only want one and return the other two! I felt so when my two year old son unintentionally broke a new toy car (which  became his favorite within an hour) and brought it to me.
Silently gave me the car and the broken part. Ambivalent feelings going through him which prominently writ on his innocent face. He was sad because of the state of the car but he believed that his mummy can make everything all right! Alas! No way, I could not put the pieces together. The expression on his face changed. He was hurt more than angry. His faith had taken a hit. How could Mummy fail?
So God just want some spare magic to be given to least to make a toddler believe that his hero would never fail him and that he can have complete trust.

Wait son till God receives this letter...