Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Lemme knew her purpose

Is it by constantly, repeatedly searching for our purpose in life we fail to understand it? Last year we bought two gunea pigs for my son's birthday and he named them Lemme and Cookie. Within a year Lemme gave birth to eleven offsprings. She was the most vocal, energetic specially when it came to munching the vegetables and adored the red juicy tomatoes.She had an unsatiable appetite. While other youthful cavies would run helter skelter and look for a far off dimlit corner and huddled, Lemme would jovially leap and then raising her front legs tightened the grip and nip away the largest piece of cucumber from me. Every two and half months there would be addition and Lemme ould lovingly nurture her furry babies. She always looked content, even in the cage. Two days ago she died after giving birth to a litter. And she looked content then too. Her demise saddened me and her look baffled me. Is this persistent striving, proving, struggling, voraciously trying to find who we are, franctic in depth search within to find peace...in this frequent search, much like the ruffled waters we are unable to fathom who we are. Contentment has become the Neverland.In life and death Lemme knew the purpose, yes, a tiny guinea pig understood her reason to be here, didn't spend days to realize or chase it, but why can't we who claim to be higher beings are never gratified. Who is more closer to the Almighty? For me, its Lemme.

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